Frag help


I have friend who has tons of mushrooms. I was wondering if fragging (new word?) is possible. If so, how do we go about doing it. I would love to get some free coral.
Any help would be appreciated.


Active Member
Here is an excerpt off of the Garf website on propagating (fragging) mushrooms. Hope it helps!
"When propogating mushrooms, I follow the same exact procedure as on your web site. I just cut the head of the mushroom off leaving some stalk behind. In a couple of days, the stalk closes over itself to heal the wound. At this point, I make one cut completely through the middle of the stalk. Both sides will heal over leaving two stalks which will, in turn, each grow another head. I have not tried dividing the stalks into more sections (haven't been that brave), but that may work as well. Hope this information works for you".