Frag Rack Need Help Soon


I hope I am in the right place, My Golden Head Goby keeps picking up my frags and moving them to his cave. If he can't move them he covers them with sand. Sometimes it's three times a day I have to repair what he does. I want to make a two shelf rack, one for my rics and one larger one for the others. Where do I find the plastic egg crates to make the shelf? I live within ten miles of a Home Depot and a Lowes. Rodger (the goby) has already caused me to lose some zoo's. I want to get this fixed today before I lose anything else.


Active Member
home depot or lowes in the lighting section, it'lkl be caled egg crate or light diffuser panel. and you can find zip ties in the electrical section.


Active Member
At the Lowes around here, it is found with the ceiling tiles. My jawfish (Bob)does the same crap.
He has a rock in front of his that must be near 10x his size. I can't figure out how the heck he did that, but haveng it there has slowed down his scavengering for more.