frag tank


so i have a 3 gallon dicokit saltwater tank with just live rock and a small! damsil in it...i was thinking cuz i have a 12 and a 6 gallon nanos to turn the 2 into a tiny frag tank...cuz i have some kenya tree and xenia id like to frag anyways...if i took the live rock out...i still have live sand in there
(would that be a problem) and left it as just live sand and put like egg create or something in there u think this would work...its got a 18watt PC light over it and a small filter....i hope this would work...thanks

sign guy

Active Member
I dont think the filter or light will be suficiant enough to grow much pluss with three gallons youd fill it up pretty fast


Active Member
Kenya would work, but watch your levels, if your trying to make a frag tank, then its not for asthetics, just keep your water levels stable and stick to super quick and easy corals like Kenya since they tend to be bulletproof. You should do great but very limited with space.
Go DSB and then just put the frags on rocks and try it. No need for a filter, just remove the media so you can get water movement without giving up any space. The DSB will push the corals closer to the light so you should be fine. Take some pics