Frag trades in Western, PA area?


Anyone want to trade frags in Western, PA area???
I have some branching hammers, several colors of zoos, pink tip anenome, and some other corals I would like to trade or frag for nice mushrooms, green star polyps, or ricordia.
Let me know if anyone is interested in buying or trading me anything!


New Member
I don't have anything to trade yet but I have been purchsing a few starter frags that should all grow and spread quickly, maybe in a few months we can work something out. I have some blue/purple mushrooms, orange ricordia, and pink xenia, and I'm trying to get gsp. aim at peccavi18 thanks- Pecc


I'll trade w/ ya. I'm not in PA but not too far (columbus OH). I just traded with a guy in PA. It only cost $6 to ship 2 day priority and it was very easy, everything arrived very healthy. I have some nice shrooms and rics, if ya want to trade just email me. thanks, Noah.


New Member
I have some striped shrooms, white annenomies and something that looks like star pollups, but they are smaller and green and white, definite eye catchers.