Fragged a colt coral.

HEy everyone,
I just bought a very large colt coral today. I decided I needed to frag it. I originally wanted only to frag it in half but in the process divided it by 3. I put the litttle corn things you put in each side of corn of the cob for handles in each one. I set them where I wanted them on my reef. So, the cutting was extremely brutal. I used a sharp knife but it felt like i was cutting into bone and it made me very uneasy. Anyways, From what Ive said have I done anything wrong?


Are those corn cob holders still in the tank ? If so I would remove them before they rust . I have a huge colt also , but I dont want to get grossed out cutting it.


i have a colt coral that i have fragged for various friends. i recomend a razor blade and try to cut on an angle like a rose. So far I am 4 for 4 using this method.
Well its been about 3 hours and neither of the frags have really recovered. All still purple and saggy. I cut at the base of the different stems and a angle. Its stressing me out.


the corn-cob holders are completely plastic?
Don't sweat it for a little while. I think that psychologically, it's tough to cut an animal. I have a big colt that I'm having a friend frag for me because I can't imagine doing it myself before I witness it done by someone else first.


Active Member
i recently fragged my colt and it was shriveled up for about a day they it opened back up and is doing fine now. the only problem i am having is i used a tooth pick and rubber banded it to a rock and the stem totally split down the middle off of the tooth pic, so we tried stuffing the stem into a crack in a rock and secured it down and it managed to get out!! i just cant get the frag to attatch to anything. anyone have any ideas?:confused:
Yeah I also secured them with plastic toothpicks. Ofcourses they all came off. They are just flowing around the tank now. I have an extra compact fixture so now Im setting up a small 10 gallon out in t he garage to where there is little flow. I hope this works. I am very angry at colt corals right now and will not get another.


For what it's worth, I tried fragging my large colt and all pieces died and they wouldn't stay on the toothpicks. I will try to glue them next time, although I've read mixed reviews about doing that.
Well to be honest I'm not so sure my frags are still alive. Ive never seen them come back from the purple state. when it was unfragged it was tan in color but has been purple ever since the fragging. So at what point did you determine they were dead?
Yeah im not sure. Im moving them to a small 10 gallon where they will be the only occupants. This way if they are dead or dying they will not pollute my main tank