Fragged PPEs??


i just fragged some of my zoanthids and some PPEs but i encountered a few problems
1. when i tried to peel the mat with the frags off it woulnt come off!?!?
2. i cut off a few polyps that had grown off the rock but if i cut the mat
the polyps would leak the toxins and be all deflated. Will they recover because now one is just hanging on the rock looking sad.
3. i also glued a loose mushroom to a rock and this morning he had floated off!!
ill post some pics of them


Active Member
if you cut the mat i dont think it should deflate the polyp, so maybe you're cutting into the polyp or squishing the polyp making it squirt out its inners? like i mentioned to you i use a tiny screwdriver and it works great.


1-You have to get a dull knife or letter opener and start the peel,Then just keep peeling back until you have the desired amount.Then cut the mat where you want the frag to stop.
2-You injured the polyps but this is totally normal in fragging.Give them a few days.You probably cut into the polyp a little or squished it like bronco said.
3-DId the mushroom have sand attached to its foot when you glued it?I have not had much success with glueing mushrooms to substrate,Try using a rubberband.This has worked for me.Hope all this helps!


ill try and use a screwdriver next time
there was sand on the mushrooms foot i bet thats what did it
thanks a lot and i hope i can frag again with more success


Active Member
With zoas/palys I try not to peel the mat to frag them because I often end up squishing or ripping through the polyps. I usually just break off a piece of the rock underneath the coral with it.

reef diver

Active Member
What I did Is i slipped an old ID card under the mat, but that works with marble tile, thats for my fragging colony, but with my palys I just slip the razor bade under them lightly and pull up, and they coem off cleanly, and with only a tiny hole.