Fragging a Colt coral

Can anybody tell me how to dividde up a colt it a few montsh ago and it's taking over the whole tank...
anybody have a good technique?
thanks in advance

yosemite sam

Active Member
One easy way is to cut off the frag you want and attach it to a rock with a plastic toothpick and rubberbands. Push the toothpick through the base of the frag and use the rubberband to attach each side of the toothpick to the rock.


Another way is to "stitch it" to the liverock. Using a needle and very light nylon thread. Sometimes its helpful to use just a dab of superglue to help hold the thread in place. After about 2 weeks or so just snip the thread and pull it out. Usually 2 stiches are all that is needed.


You can cut leathers like you would a branch off of a tree.
Super Glue GEL is supposed to be great, but I have not had much luck with it, and I have been fragging/attaching coral all week.
If your substrate is deep enough, the a more natural way is to put the frag in between 2 pieces of LR, bury the base into the substrate, and in 2 weeks or so it will have attached.
The other thing which works (and is MOST natural) is snipping off a frag and let it float around until it attaches where it wants. I did this 2x this week (accidentally), and I have a xenia frag and a sinularia frag growing well in strange places!!! The xenia attached itself under a piece of LR and I couldn't see it until it's little polyps started squeezing out from under the rock. That was VERY cool, cause I thought I had lost the coral.
Good luck, it's hards to mess this up!