Fragging a Kneya Tree and Purple Mushrooms....


Active Member
I'm a n00b to fragging corals, so I have some questions in regards...
I have a rock of purple mushrooms in my 30 gallon... Very healthy and growing rapidly. I want to take one or two off and put them in my 3 gallon to add some color.
When I cut them off the rock, should I be doing so in a seperate container or can I just do it in open air?)
Then once I cut them, how do I attach them? I have heard of putting them in a container with sand and letting it grip on to form a small piece of rock, but could I also somehow fasten them to a piece of LR by superglue?
I guess a general strategy would be the best for me to go over so I can follow it...
And as for my Kenya, I have three stalks growing right next to eachother on a small piece of rock and I'd like to clip one off and put it in the 3 gallon as well.
Again, would I cut it in a seperate place underwater or open air?
Then for fastening, would superglue work?
As you can see, I'm definitely new to this, but I have been meaning to get on top of it for a while. If someone could look past my lack of knowledge on the subject and take the time to help me out, I would really appreciate it. Thanks!


mushrooms frag in open air cut towards the bottom of the base and get a piece of lr and either put super glue gel on the rock and mount the shroom or rubber band it down


Active Member
Is there one method you would use over the other?
I've got rubber bands and I've got super glue, so it's a matter of whether anyone has a preference.
Also, do I need to dry out the rock and the base of the shroom enough to super glue it?


i have never fraged yet but super glue would be easier since u dont have to fiddle with a rubber band


Active Member
As far as fragging the need. My tank is full of branches that have fallen off to start new ones. Kenya's will reproduce like rabbits if in the right environment.
But, to answer your question, since the branches fall off, I would assume you could cut a few off yourself. They will anchor to anything available. Like I said, they multiply quickly.


Active Member
So can I just snip some branches and drop them in the tank near some rock?
I would rather fasten it to a small piece of rock I have so I can have a little more control over the growth...


Active Member
Also, when I'm cutting the mushroom, do I just slice it right down the middle even through the stem?


Active Member
Alright, so it's 4 am and I'm bored so I decided to do some first-time fragging...
Kenya Tree, Green Button Polyps, Purple Mushrooms and some green mushrooms have all been fragged...
Hopefully everything survives (in other words, fingers are crossed that I did everything correctly).
Fortunately, these are all hardy guys, so my chances are looking decent.
...So far, that is...