fragging chile cactus coral


New Member
Can anyone tell me how to frag my chile coral. I have a nano tank and the coral has grown to about 6" high X 10" long when fully opened. Thanks for any help I can get.


Active Member
I have never fragged a chili coral, but I would assume it would be the same as any other softie, cut with a razor or similar instrument, then use one of the many connection tecniques, I would try either the rubber band or the shallow dish method first, if it were me. best of luck with it.
you could always just give it to me, then I would frag it untill I figured out what worked best and let you know.....

hmm, looks like I have to get my hands on some chili coral and figure out the fragging.


Active Member
rubber band method = take a rubber band and strap the cut piece to a rock for a couple weeks for it to attach to the rock thenmn remove the rubber band.
dish method = take a tank safe dish and fill the bottom with a layer of sand, and/or some lr rubble and set the frag in the dish in a couple weeks it will have attached to either some sand or rubble you can then take the frag and use superglue gel to glue the rubble/sand to wichever rock you want the coral attached to. just dry the rock and the sand/rubble with a piece of paper towel.
make sure the dish is in a low enough flow area that the fragh wont blow out or cover it with a piece of bridal mesh to keep the frag in.


Had a peppermint shrimp frag mine for me. Kinda like when you don't feed your dog and he pees in your shoes. Same thing.