Fragging Question?

I have a pretty big Devils Hand Finger Leather coral. I would like to try to cut a small piece of it off and start a new coral. If it works and grows up to be a big boy then it sure beats the hell out of paying another 55$ for another one. So is there anything important i need to know before i go snipping on my Devils Hand? Ive read up on it and i know to use a very sharp pair of scissors and make a clean cut and then use some wedding veil and rubber bands to get it to stick to a small piece of LR. What should i look for and what should I NOT DO. Thanks

nm reef

Active Member
I seperated my finger leather exactly as you plan to work on yours....I now have 2 nice sized ones and another was traded for some 'shrooms.
Keep it out of direct current and give it time to recover. :cool:


New Member
Hi , I was told that dimming your metal halides or daylight lamps and just run your acintic lamps helps reduce the stress. Just like when you aclimate new corals into the tank and then slowly introduce more light. Leathers are normally very hardy, so you shouldn't have any real problems. There some real good progating coral tips on GARF's website ( Good luck in being a grand parent. ;)


It is actually better to use a razor blade and make 1 swift cut then a sharp pair of scissors, but either will work.