Fragging shrooms.. .. .. .. have a few ?'s


Ok, I got a very nice sized blue/purple shroom the other day. It is a single shroom an I was wondering on how I could/should frag it? It is not attatched to anything just yet. Also, coud I frag it an the ones I want to keep put in my tank in the spots I want them an the others could I place them on a peice of plexi glass. This way when I go to frag it again or go to trade it I can just take it off of the small peice of plexi glass?? Any input on this?? Kip what do you think?? :thinking:


If it's your basic 'shroom all you have to do is cut it into pieces & net them onto rocks. Sometimes you can get away with stuffing the pieces into holes in the rock. I don't think the plexiglass thing would work, I don't know. The best thing I've found for fragging & future trading is to net them onto rubble.


I wouldnt mind fragin onto rubble, but I dont have but maybe 1 or 2 peices of rubble an I really dont want to add anymore to my tank, its only I figured I could prob. just put one on the plexi glass an use that as my main fraging shroom.......I dont know maybe I will just give it a try


It's worth a shot, I've just never had one attach to glass or anything but rock. Unlike GSP's that won't hesitate to grow on anything.
Good Luck!

tahoe ocean

I have never tried it, but I was told that you can use Frag Glue to glue them to the walls of the tank. Any time I've used the glue, the shrooms sort of slime up and slip off it. Your best bet would be rubble or course sand bits with net over the top. I use a very small ziploc disposable container with the shells or rubble in the bottom, place the pieces of shroom in the container and net over the top.


The website has cool mpeg videos of fragging corals. You can cut the disk into pie shaped pieces (don't cut thru the mouth) and leave a little of the stalk on the bottom of every piece. Then you can glue or net them like the others said. I don't think i'd try and remove the stalk/foot from whatever you put it on, as this my damage it and it won't be able to attach naturally (i know this holds true for anemones). Just cut thru the stalk just under the disk, then the stalk will grow a new disk, and you can cut the disk as i described above.

Please respect the natural environment that makes this hobby possible. Be responsible and be informed. Support aquacultured/tank raised species.


In order to create some cool live rock from base rock I've chopped those things into tiny pieces & stuffed them into holes all over the rock. They start growing everywhere! I've never been able to glue them but netting works.


Here's a way I just learned about. The guy that told me stated that he had fragged many shrooms / ricordia's this way.
Cut up the shroom into the pieces that you want.
Take a small bowl (glass or clear plastic) and submerge in tank.
Put small LR Rubble in the bowl.
Put the pieces of cut up shrooms in the bowl on top of the rubble.
Net the top of the bowl.
The shrooms will eventually attach themselves to the small rubble and from there you can glue the rubble rock w/ shroom to whatever you want. Make sure that you blow off the netting on the bowl DAILY so that no algae / detrius settles on it.
It sounded like a great idea and I plan on using it soon.


Forgot to mention that Kip has an AWESOME thread on this. Do a search called "fragging blue mushroom" or something like that.