fragging xenia


Active Member
i would like to start fragging my xenia because it is starting to take do i do this? i tried cutting the bottom off a rock with a razor blade but nasty stuff comes out of it and it totally deflates almost looks dead.....what is hte correct way of doing it?


Active Member
You did it correctly. Just slice off a piece and attach it to a piece of rock. Use a piece of netting to hold it in place. Use a rubberband to hold the netting in place. I've been trying to keep Xenia for over a year now but they dont seem to like my tank.


Active Member
You can also put a small piece of LR next to the xenia you want to move and let it move over by itself, this is what I do because I don't want to cut the coral.


Travis is right, put anything next to a Xenia and it will move to it. Be it rubble, a larger rock, old clam shell, whatever. I had one too close to the glass and I now have 4 stalks on the window. I literally have so much it is time to do something about it. This stuff grows and grows and grows.... I recently aquired some red sea xenia and it too is growing. besides this is the easiest way to propagate xenia.


Active Member
The thick mucus was its guts.....I prefer to also place a piece of l ive rock near them and allow them to move on the rock themselves and then pull out the rock. Does a lot better than cutting into them.