fragging zoos


Active Member
whats the best way to frag zoos or shrooms??? I have some that I would like to frag off onto live rock rubble so I can trade some stuff with you guys


Active Member
I prefer to break up LR with the zoos still attached.
If this isnt possible....
Zoos are attached to LR and eachother via a "mat". Often times the "mat" can be slowly removed or peeled from the LR, and superglued on to a piece of LR. When using superglue, make sure it's "Superglue Gel", which I find at my local grocery for about $2.50 per tube. Just have a piece of rubble ready, dry the rubble off, and put a couple of dabs of superglue gel where you want the frag. Then place the frag on the glue, and hold it there for a minute or two. All done.


Active Member
I let mt zoos frag themselves. Here is a step by step guide...

1) Take a small shell and set it on the edge of a zoo colony.
2) Wait a couple weeks.
3) After a couple zoos have grown onto the shell jut pick it up and the zoos will come with it.
4) Put the frag in a area where it wont get blown away and it gets plenty of light.
5) Wait a few weeks and you will have a zoo frag!!
NOTE: I also do this with shrooms.


Active Member
Zoas are pretty hardy and easy to frag. I use my tile saw on big pieces or I have cut them with a razor blade trying to scrape under the polyp so as not do damage to it. Try to get under the base if possible.... depending on how hard the rock is they are attached to. Here is a picture of a piece of Tonga Branch that I attached various zoas to about 3mths ago. I cut them off with a blade and used Super Glue Gel to attach them. I started a thread on the project which will tell and show you how exactly how I did it....Good Luck
The thread is called Zoa and Paly fragging project!!!!!

efish :happyfish nsea
