fraging corals?


Can you frag a coral while it is still in the tank? If not, how do you frag a coral that is attached to a rock on the bottom of your tank without taking the whole tank apart?


Active Member
imo it is best to frag corals out of the tank and rince them in a bowl of tank water before putting them back in. some corals are very toxic and you don't want to wipe out your tank trying to frag a coral. what are you trying to frag?


im not trying to frag anything yet, but am setting up to have a reef tank and always wondered how you are supposed to frag a coral that is on a rock under all of your other rocks. My goal is to get a few nice corals at first, and let them grow out. then frag them to finance my other corals. This will force me to be patient and it wont be a burden on my pocketbook.


Active Member
Probably would be easier to do outside your MT......Most will handle being taken out of the tank for fragging.....


i have no doubt they can be taken out, but is there a way to do it without taking out the rock. All of my rock is stacked on top of eachother, and the only way to take out a lower rock is to take out ALL the rock. So can i detach it from the rock somehow before fragging it?


Active Member
Nope....If the donor colony is firmly attached I guess you'd have to do it in the tank....Your best choice then would be to frag it where it sits, but run heavy carbon afterwards.....


Will fragging it in the tank, cause harm to my other inhabitants? Or will running the carbon help with that?


New Member
I had a similar situation. I have a 125 reef and my colt coral grew so big it attached to three rocks and was impossible to take out. I fragged right in the tank and added no chemicals to my tank, no harm occured. I did the same with my leather toadstool that got so huge it was hitting the front and back of my tank, again no issues. JMHO


Active Member
i remove all corals from my tank for fragging, uless i accidently frag one in the tank (aka get clumsy and break one) just to keep extra pollutants out of my tank. I just siphon out a bucket of tank wtaer move the coral for fragging into it do the frag swish around let sit for a minute or to so it stops seeping. then return to my main tank. a little wont hurt but better safe than sorry. some corals pollute more than others when cut, torn, or snapped. I use all kinds of different tools from roto zips, to bone cutters to scalpels. fragging is easier than most think. if you do frag in tank I reccomend carbon.
also (since i realized you said you cant get it out) several water changes just after fragging would help, if you use amquell plus for pheremone reduction it may help (not sure on that note) but it probably wouldnt hurt.


Originally Posted by reefrank
I had a similar situation. I have a 125 reef and my colt coral grew so big it attached to three rocks and was impossible to take out. I fragged right in the tank and added no chemicals to my tank, no harm occured. I did the same with my leather toadstool that got so huge it was hitting the front and back of my tank, again no issues. JMHO
I'm having the same problem. My colt is huge. How did you cut it?