IMO, if it can help save some from being wild collected then Im all for it but I would hope anyone wanting to try would research well and make sure they have a proper system for doing it because if it only results in the death of the animal then.............whats the point ??
Well known that many anemones are killed just by collection handleing and inexperienced people trying to keep them, let alone, frag them....
I would extend this advise about any coral or critter as well.
I have only seen the same mentioned author as far as knowledge about fraging anemones myself, but he seems to feel its commonly done among experienced hobbiest and most species are easily fragable except the Ritteri.
I have a 5 year kept LTA myself that I am very attached too and would not atempt to frag it even if it could result in some profit but if I had a large system or area to set up a system then I might would attempt it. Probly not with this one. But aquire more and try. Only after researching further into it though. IDK.