

Active Member
I couldnt resist, I saw a small clump of star polyps growing a little off of the rock they are (were) on. I cut it off and super glued it to another piece or LR. The polyps have been in for about a month, I know they will in time grow onto other rocks, but my curiosity got the better of me. How much stress do the frags go through, and in general how long does it usually take them to open up?


New Member
About a week ago I took three small cuttings (brown and 2 shades of green star polyps) and superglued them to other rocks and two of them opened in about a day or two and the other still has not opened. The only other things I have fragged are a gorgonian that opened up within a day and montipora that opened up within a couple of hours and other yellow and button polyps but they usually separate themselves, I just moved them.


How do you all do the super glue thing. Do you take out the rocks and dry or what? Fairl y new to reef and I haven't figured this one out yet. thanks for any help.


Active Member
You can glue under water, just do it quick. Put a little bit on the rock you want to glue the frag to and stick the frag to it.
The frags opened up today!!!Pretty freakin cool!!!
:D :D :D