frags? Cabbage coral in Michigan


Hello everyone. I am new and saw on this thread frags can only be traded, not sold? What are frags? Also, I have some coral in my reef tank that is growing like mad and I am willing to trade some for something else that is reef safe - other corals, inverts, something of interest. The coral was labeled as cabbage coral when I bought it. Very healthy. I'm located near Grand Rapids, MI. Will sell if that's allowed, but if not, no can do :)


how much lighting do your cabbage corals require?
i'm near you, what lfs's do you like?
(im in Newaygo, MI)


I'm new to this - what does Ifs stand for? Our tank has 4 flourescent bulbs on it - it is a 120 gallon, so in the middle, the bulbs overlap (basically two on each end with overlap in the middle). The corals do best in the middle with the most light, but are probably the most tolerant coral we've had.
I am looking for almost anything reef safe. We are trying to get rid of some red algae, so have been spending all our money on "janitors." I have this following, would like something different:
Coral banded shrimp
Peppermint shrimp
cabbage coral
two tube anenomes
one rock anenome
brittle stars
lots of blue legs & scarlet hermits
lots of snails
I would like somthing that will spend its time out front during the day, or a flame angel would be nice. Let me know what you have to offer, I'll let you know what's interesting to me!


its Lfs... local fish store...
are your lights VHO...(what is the wattage)
if they would survive under my 160 watts, i would be interested in buying some, how much are you asking? and where in GR are you?


Ah, I see :0) I buy from V.I. Pets in Cutlerville, though they just opened a new store on Plainfield that's supposed to have a good selection. Haven't been in there yet. I was thinking of taking some to the store to sell, but thought I'd try here first. I alsos have been buying on-line from here recently - cheaper!
Our lights are not VHO, they are each 40 watt bulbs. Just a plain lighting set up, nothing special yet, which is why I'm more interested in fish or inverts, but will consider corals too, as the ones we have seem to do well.
I guess It depends on how many pieces you want and how big, and if they're attached to a big piece of rock or not :0) You can come look and we can talk :D I'll not charge an arma and a leg, I'd be below store prices, but honestly I haven't seen any in teh stores lately. V.I. Pets charges $40 and up for corals this size.
I live in Marne, between Grand Rapids and Muskegon off I-96, about 5 minutes from the Berlin Raceway. Want more info, you can e-mail me at This is my private address. The one for my ID for here is my husband's because they don't take hotmail addresses for registration.