...Frags For Sale...


Active Member
Buyer Pays Shipping.. UPS or USPS....Green Monti - 20.00

Gorille Nip-ple Frag (5-10 polyps) - 15.00

People Eater frag ( 5 Polyps) - 30.00

Chamelon Frag ( 5-10 Polyps) -25.00

Pink Zoot Suits Frag (5-10 Polyps) - 15.00

RadioActive Dragon Eyes Frag (10-15 Polyps) - 15.00

Pink Panthers Frag (10-15 Polyps) - 20.00

Trumpet Coral 5 Heads - 20.00

I thinks that all I can think of right now while the lights are off. Would like to sell all as one pack so a resonnable offer of all ill take. Like all the pries with 20% off...


This is when I wish my Bird Wrasse didnt eat polyps. Great price on these things people as I have bought 3 coral frags from him before and they are doing great.


Active Member
lol that just means u need another tank! U going to Fantastic FIsh Bowl Monday? I just traded with a guy from Odessa. Brad. Young guy real nice. Met him on that Lubbock Reef Forum


I will stop buy but dont have the money right now to buy anything. Do you still have those 65 watt bulbs you had bought that didnt work in your 55watt fixture?


Active Member
Originally Posted by JuggaloJim
nice are those plum pes? what's the difference between plum and ppe? Just a shade darker?
Purple and PLums are way diff. The purple is actually like idka purple and the skirts are green. Also im still not sure what kind of PE it is. Still up for debate but im starting ti lean towards the plums. They look really good though.


Active Member
ok to sweetin the deal a little more...
This doesnt not include the Monti since it will not survive 2 day shipping.
125.00 for all the frags listed and Ill pay shippin. I willship usps priorty. So itll be 2 days and Ill thrw in an ice pack.