Frayed fins on purple tang in hypo


I have had a purple tang in hypo(1.009) in a quaranteen for 38 days. He has been ich free for 22 days, should he stay there for a week longer before raising the salinity?
His tail fin has been fraying for about a week now and I noticed a couple of small white spots like scars on his head and a couple on his gill recently.
Does anyone know whats going on, could this be a bacterial infection or Hille starting?


Staff member
It sounds like this fish may be getting lymphocyctis, a viral disease which is basically treated by good water quality, good environment, good food.
I think you can safely begin the acclimation process to get this fish over to the display.


I looked at pics of Lymphocystis and I don't think he has that. I didn't describe the white marks accurately. They are not protruded like the pics in the disease thread. They look like very tiny scars, just a few, like the color has peeled away on his head and gills. There is nothing on his tail fin other than it is slowly fraying every couple of days or so, the other fins are fine. I'm wondering if its a bacterial infection caused by the ich coupled w/the fact that the water parameters were not good the first couple of weeks in hypo, and if it is how do I treat it.


Staff member
That would be a mild case of lymph. However, I can only guess about that. Can you post a picture?


I am not able to post a pic but I will start to raise up the salinity slowly and see what happens. Thanks Beth


I have been raising the salinity slowly, it is now at 1.016 over the past four days. His tail fin that is frayed hasn't changed, not getting worse, but what he has been doing is spitting back out the food he ingests after about 1 minute or so with everything he is eating. I am feeding Formula 1,2, Formula VHP, frozen Krill, Ocean Plankton, Julian Springs sea veggies, adding Selcon to all his food. Why would he be spitting back up his food? This has been happening the past week or so and there hasn't been a problem prior, the whole time in quaranteen.