freaking anemone


Active Member
after a few days it has finally found its spot and look where it choose. the second picture will show how much its hidden



Active Member
the camera isnt all that great, but yeah. he has been in the tank a little over a week now.
I cant remember if the halides were on tho


Active Member
That is the problem with anemones. They rarely settle in a place you think is good. You could maybe change the flow patter in the tank a little and see if it moves to a better spot.


Active Member
I moved the rocks around in the tank alittle today and slightly shifted the rock that it planted its foot to. now its not that hidden, but if thats where it wants to be then Ill let it stay. plus when it grows it wont be able to hide there anymore


Maybe it will grow and you will be able to see it better. I don't know if this is a good idea for sure, but after a month or so when it has adjusted, you can redirect your flow a bit so it will move.


Active Member
Mine did that, completely hidden for a week, then fiiinally peeking out for like a month and then settled down on the side of the tank (but plenty viewable) and split into two. Has been healthy and eatinng and both host my clowns now.
Peculiar little creatures...