Freaking Rose Anemone


My freaking Rose Anemone ATE my cleaner shrimp
!!! That cleaner shrimp is about 3 inch long, and sometimes cleans the anemone. That cleaner shrimp was my favorite


Active Member
My first question would be, are you sure its not a molt, mine has eatin a molt before? If not I would also suspect that the shrimp died first and the anemone got lucky. Having a hard exoskeleton shrimp are not affected by the stings of the anemone. Unless it were to get him in the mouth or eye, but even at that it would not incapacitate it. And BTA's have the one of the mildest stings of anemone species.


I agree it would be a slim chance an anemone ate a cleaner shrimp. Probably just the molt, you will probably see the shrimp again in a few days.