freckles the gobi


Active Member
We have a watchman gobi.....his belly is becoming very swollen. (almost as if pregnant) He is acting normal, eating, swiming, nothing unusal except the swollen belly.
any ideas for Freckles is greatly appreciated.


Staff member
How long have you had freckles? Is he eating well?
Can you get a pic up?


Active Member
Freckles is about a year and a few months old. He eats and swims with the rest of them. Never seems to miss a meal.
I am not the brightest bulb in the box when it comes to attaching pictures , so I will try to take one of him later tonight and post it for you.:rolleyes:
Thank you


Staff member
Wow, that is really werid looking.
Lets see if we can get TerryB's attention.
Did this develop over time, or just come up suddently?


Active Member
Isn't it weird? Almost looks pregnant. Only over time has it progressed to this. Maybe a month or a little more. He is acting normally.


Staff member
Terry, here is the area. It is really protruding....this fish looks like he's about ready to to explode.


Active Member
I will try to get a better picture of him, it didn't seem that close up when I took it. He is still acting normal. He goes after anything we place in the tank, flake or frozen brine. Never seems to miss a meal. Just very strange looking
Thanks for the info, I will take another (hopefully better) pic


Active Member
He is another picture of Freckles...hopefully this is better. Like I said, I am just getting the hang of the attaching thing..... He is swimming around normally, it just looks miserable.
Thanks for your help.


Active Member
We store the flake (Prime Reef) on a table next to the tank. Can't remember when we bought it....maybe in May. Is that too old? There is not a date or anything. How long is too long to keep that stuff? The frozen brine is well, frozen and when that is fed to the fish it is soaked with Kents Garlic. We feed the fish about every other day. We alternate frozen and flake. We don't have a lot of big fish, so the flake goes a long way. But if its too old and harming the fish, we will be more diligent in keeping fresh food. We have only lost 3 fish is 1 1/2 years of owning the tank and our kids go crazy when one leaves us. So they come home and look for him EVERY
day and make sure he is still with us.:D
Again thanks for keeping up with me and freckles and putting up with the bad picture.


Active Member
I have nothing to offer except to say that the same thing happened to my mandarin. So I know how worrisome it is. I had the fish a year when it happened. I don't know what the outcome would have been becuase ABSOLUTE stupidity hit me and I didn't notice a screen had fallen off a ph and he got stuck in it and died. He had an extended stomach and was actin fine, although he looked to me like he was "waddle swimming" The underneath of his belly was as swollen as the sides that you can see in the pic. Good luck with yours.


Active Member
thanks, we have a mandarin too! We just love him, so I would hate to see him get this (whatever this may be). Freckles is still swimming and eating nornally. It just looks miserable. Maybe their is a fish antacid to get rid of the boating. :D