Free RBTA!!!!


I went to my LFS today and bought some hairy mushrooms. We noticed that there was a rose bubble tip anemone attached to the LR. He couldn't get it off w/o hurting it so he gave it to me. I hope it does O.K. I'll post a pic later once it gets acclimated. I will leave the lights off for a while so the picture may be taken tomorrow.


Michael's Aquatic Den up here in Cleveland. Have you been there before? He set up last year, August, I think? He has experience, but does some things that he shouldn't. Right now he has a Powder Blue in with a Clown Trigger and Lions. I wish my tank could sustain the PB and I would buy him. Michael's prices are awesome. He has a 8" blue regal for $69.99. Great buy!!! The mushrooms that I just bought, about six total, were $25.


6 Shrooms for 25 sounds like a great deal, plus a free RBTA. Never heard of them, but maybe need to add to my "Must Checkout" list.
Depending on how small the PB Tang is you may be able to keep him in a 75.
On another note, have you been to Discount Pets in there new location?



Originally posted by Beth
What type lighting do you have?

Fishtails - I have not been there. Where are they located??
Beth - I have 2 x 175w metal halide 10K and 2 x 96w PC. I am more worried about my water quality than my lighting.


They're not to far from the East Ridge Flea Market. If you head that way and go past the GA/TN line. They are in some small "garage type" buildings next to a gas station.


I just discovered that the 6 mushrooms I got for $25.00 are the ones this site refers to as fuzzy grass mushrooms!! My lfs had them tagged as hairy mushrooms. I am still new, but I think that the hairy and fuzzy grass are different.?.? My free RBTA has moved behind a rock and I can't get a pic of it yet. I'll keep you posted as to the health of it.
Keep a reefin'



Originally posted by ViPeR_930
How big is it?

If you are referring to the mushrooms they are about 2-3 inches. The rock they are on is odd shaped but somewhat round and varies between 4-6 inches. The anemone is not opening up like it should. It tried to give it some krill but with no success. I'll post some pics when I get home today. Let me know if there is anything I can do to help it.