free stuff


New Member
I bought some live rock not too long ago. It turns out that there was alot of cool free stuff that came with it....2 snails, a crab (pretty big too), a big fan, and a spaghetti worm.
I'm curious as to what kind of free stuff everyone has accidentally received!!!


Active Member
i got a urchin, mushrooms, seastars, and some dusters, and pods that my butterfly eat up, and a couple of sponges


Man...I'm jealous! Doesn't look like I got anything with mine. Or maybe I'm just being impatient, I've only had it for a couple of weeks.
Then again, the rock itself was free, so I can't complain too much! :D
Congrats on the fun hitchhikers!


I've got a good one.
I bought my live rock in stages, and I brought in one big piece from the pet store that had all of these neat holes and caves. It was in a cooler with a little water and wet paper towels. When I picked it up to put it in my tank, a three stripe damsel fell out! I quickly put him in the tank, and he's been there ever since! His name, as you would imagine, is Tuff. I called the pet store, but the clerk told me just to keep him.
I was worried because they are supposed to be aggressive, but he blends really well and I actually like him a lot.
How's that for a freebie?


not that this is a prize to find but i got a mantis killed all my fish before i discovered that i had it