FREE Yellow tang if your in the ...


Bakersfield CA area just come buy and pick him up. Otherwise he'll go to the lfs to get a home


New Member
Well,hummmmm... Now that I think about UNCLE lives in Bakersfield!! I think he can fishsit for me till I get Out there in DECEMBER!LOL! JK!!Why don't you try to see if the lfs guy will let you trade him? If he's a healthy fish, he might let you! And yeah, the red sea is nicer! I got one myself! 7" and still growin! And the Best part is I only paid $39 for my Baby! Good luck on the trade! ;)


Ya, he's healthy. traded in our old horseshoe crab tonight (how we wound up getting the purp tang lol) just thought that it cost me nothing for the yellow i'd pass it on to a fellow hobbiest first


you know.. I think its cool that you want to give a fish away.. but.. your LFS will always be your first point of contact in the aquarium world.. so.. It really helps if you do something good for them.. I help my lfs out with alot of stuff.. mainly there income. :D but once you are in good with the lfs owner they really will help you out alot.. my lfs gives me an automatic 10% discount on ALL purchases.. I get RO salt water for $.30 a gallon (normally $.99) and I get RO fresh for free.. any LR I buy they sell to me at an "uncured" price for good rock.. and they take good care of me... partially because I have given them lots of referal's a quite a few fish.. but mainly because they remember me.. I know all employee's by name.. and they know my credit card number by heart.. So It can really help you to help them.. do something they remember and the next time you go in.. they will help you out.. ALOT.. and if they dont.. then just move to austin, tx and use my fish store.. :D :D :D but I wouldnt hesitate to sell the fish to your LFS. they usually give you about half of what they will sell it for.. but it gives them a way to remember you.. and you gotta remember.. life is all about shaking hands and kissing babie.. :D


New Member
HEY, DALUMINUM, You say to get a bigger tang to even out the tank for REN, right? Well, you also have to consider the size of the tank. He need a pretty big tank to house 3 tangs. If he were to put them all in lets say a 90 that might just make matters worse, am I wrong? When I bought My Purple tang I was told to buy three cuz they could school up like that, but I ended up having to take the other two back cuz they were just kicking the $&!
out of each other. I've heard(please correct me if I'm wrong, cuz then it's just a lie! :D ) that it has to be either one or five of the same kind.?. Three just didn't work for me, so I kept the biggest one ;)
And REN, as far as making a good relationship w/ your lfs guy/chic, It's a must! Especially if your in the saltwater hobby where any little thing can cause havoc. My guy is about 45min away, but he's VERY reliable and he knows what the hell he's talking about. Make sure your lfs guy also has or has had SW at home so you know he's had some personal experience with them and he's no just pulling the info out of his @$$! I've had that happen to me w/ another guy and it caused me to lose my whole tank...15 fish! Just make sure you can trust him! Like DAluminum said, they help you out! When I take my sons up there, they usually walk out with a free fish for their little tank too. If I buy a fish that fights with the others, he lets me trade or gives me my cash back.But the most important thing is the advice he gives me and the time he takes out to tend to me and me only until we have a solution, even if there are other customers waiting! So all in all, he's very helpfull!So, make a friend! It helps the tank and the pocket!
By the way the, have you gaven him away to whipple yet? Hey whipple, you scored, man! ;)