French Angel looks sick



I just added (2 days ago)a 2-3 in french angel into my 92 gallon fish only tank. The tank was treated with copper a few weeks ago because I was having ernormous losses with fish from ICH. All the other inhabitannts seem to be doing fine now and eating well (Blue face angel, Naso tang, juvenille Emperator, anthias, clown trigger, niger triger). I know it's quite a bit of fish, but they are are pretty much juvenilles and average about 2-3 inches.
I started to notice that the french is deveolping some patchy grey spots on his body. It looks like scale loss or maybe a fungus.
I have noticed that the Juvenille Emperator tends to chase the French around ofen and I'm not sure if this is from nipping at him.
My question is.....Is this a fungus and if so can it be treated with copper (my copper levels have dropped and it would be easier to dose again vs. trying to catch this guy)? Thoughts
I have attached a picture for reference.


Juvie's or not, you can't really mix large angels. Your gonna have more problems down the road. As Terry said, you have ick in your tank. Your need to research those terms he provided.


New Member
That or the skin of your French has been destroyed by ich.
Put all of your fish in a QT and treat for the ich and the secondary infections that will follow. Then consider reducing the number of fish you have.
Next time don't add fish when you know you have a ich problem and also never add new fish to the main system.