French angelfish not growing!


New Member
I obtained a juvenile french angelfish about 3 months ago.It lives in my 55Ga with a damsel, a pinfish, 2 gobies and 2 crabs.
The pinfish was wild caught in Florida and doesn't bother the other fish but is much bigger and is a voracious eater.
The angel is very active but thin.
I feed mostly Ocean nutrition formula one flakes along with nutrafin max pellets and once in a while frozen brine shrimps or krill.
I want to provide my angel the best food to make it grow and regain its colors (He is a little faded).
What do you suggest? Romaine?Broccoli?Others?
Plz give me the best foods.


Get one of the frozen foods made for angels (there are several). Most of these have sponges as an ingredient. The foods you have listed are very processed and may not provide all the nutrients your fish needs. Visit you lfs and see what brands they have. I am sure your angel would thank you for it.

here fishy

You might eventually need to move your angel to a larger tank as they get quite large. At least a 125 gallon. Feed him the dried out greens either on an algea clip or tied to a rock with a rubber band.. Frozen lifeline works well too...If you can ever find seagrapes use them also...They are sold in bunches down here and my 2 tangs and 1 angel deovour them....About $5 a cluster and I get them every week and a half...
Juvenille French angels also act as cleaner fish so don't be alarmed if you find him trying to pick at other fish.... :rolleyes: