

Just had to post a pic here of my new french angel. Way bigger than I expected 11 inches from mouth to the end of his streamers. I'll Post it here because I put him in my aggresive tank with the monster stars and stripes(over a foot and Mean)



And the clown trigger seen in pic 1 just got to visit with the new guy for 25 mins. The trigger went right for the his eye then tried to 20 minutes later went for the streamers. They were both added today at the same time


Originally Posted by Lucky?
And the clown trigger seen in pic 1 just got to visit with the new guy for 25 mins. The trigger went right for the his eye then tried to 20 minutes later went for the streamers. They were both added today at the same time
Are they seperated now???


Yeah I took ot the trigger then spent 4 hours setting up a 75 gallon that has ben empty for a while. Had to take 30 gallons each from my other 240 tanks that were supposed to be changed tommorow, good thing I had the Water Ready!


Active Member
Wow that's a big puffer!!! Nice French though, sorry the Clown Trig didn't work out in a community tank, hope you can find/or make him a good home.


the clown got his own tank. It was a 75 I keep just for reason like this, -hole fish. It wasn't ready so I spent 4 hours with water changes from my other tanks that were supposed to happen 2 days later and more cleaning and acc time than I felt like doing. I must be retarted with this hobby but noone will tell me.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lucky?
here he is
Awesome Trig Lucky, glad you made him a nice home...Sorry about the Steelers...Go Seahawks.


Thanks for compliment. Is your avatar thing a pic of an undulated trigger you have/ had. I've got a 3 inch one in the tank with my 12 inch S&S puffer and the french angel He's tame now but I'm thinking about taking him out, either with the clown (guess that would kinda be Michael Vick style) or by himself somewhere. Ohh and I can deal with the steelers as long as JAX or Anyone beats the pats.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lucky?
Thanks for compliment. Is your avatar thing a pic of an undulated trigger you have/ had. I've got a 3 inch one in the tank with my 12 inch S&S puffer and the french angel He's tame now but I'm thinking about taking him out, either with the clown (guess that would kinda be Michael Vick style) or by himself somewhere. Ohh and I can deal with the steelers as long as JAX or Anyone beats the pats.
Yeah, that was Sumpter, when I lived in Charleston, a friend of mine had him, and he traveled a lot, I did a lot of water changes and looked after him while he was away, he didn't want his wife doing anything other than feeding him. Awesome fish, had a 220 that he shared with a Fimby Eel, they seemed to tolerate one another without killing each other. He was 7+ inches. He killed 5 damsels in one night.


Wow, I've got to do something with him before he flips, I'm actually suprised my puffer leaves him alone, I think it's b/c the puffer is slow and inmobile and the trig can hide fast if needed. I might try putting him with the clown until I can figure something else out. I just don't want to wake up and see that awesome French getting beaten up or dead in the corner.


ohh hey kjr-trg in charleston are there any stores youd recommend, maybe something that deals in larger fish or sharks, still trying to do a shark pond. Pretty limited here on hhi


Active Member
Originally Posted by Lucky?
ohh hey kjr-trg in charleston are there any stores youd recommend, maybe something that deals in larger fish or sharks, still trying to do a shark pond. Pretty limited here on hhi
Yes, there is one good store and one excellent in Charleston....I will PM you.