Originally Posted by Lucky?
Thanks for compliment. Is your avatar thing a pic of an undulated trigger you have/ had. I've got a 3 inch one in the tank with my 12 inch S&S puffer and the french angel He's tame now but I'm thinking about taking him out, either with the clown (guess that would kinda be Michael Vick style) or by himself somewhere. Ohh and I can deal with the steelers as long as JAX or Anyone beats the pats.
Yeah, that was Sumpter, when I lived in Charleston, a friend of mine had him, and he traveled a lot, I did a lot of water changes and looked after him while he was away, he didn't want his wife doing anything other than feeding him. Awesome fish, had a 220 that he shared with a Fimby Eel, they seemed to tolerate one another without killing each other. He was 7+ inches. He killed 5 damsels in one night.