fresh water dip


New Member
I am going to do a fresh water dip on my snowflake eel to get parasites off of him how long do i let him stay in the fresh water. any advice would be good.I have never done this before.


New Member
the guy at my lfs told me to dip my clown for one minute so as to not overstress the fish.i guess an eel would probably be about the same. just be sure the temp of the water is close to your dt. i didnt do this and thought he was a goner,but he kicked back into shape in a few minutes. hth.

al mc

Active Member
While I am not certain that you have the correct diagnosis.....fresh water dips must be of similar temperature AND pH to the saltwater tank the animal comes from to make it as stress free as possible. Most people will leave the animal in for 3-5 minutes. Best to move the water withion the container with a small power head or plastic spatula. pull him out if he appears stressed...swimming more erratically....
I have not kept an eel. However, with fish many times Methylene Blue can be added to the dip water as it is reported to reduce stress/soothe the gills.
Be careful that THE PH AND TEMPERATURE IS THE SAME AS THE TANK WATER. I would dip it for two minutes. It the eel starts to float on its side in the water, take it out and put is in a buccet of tank water. I did this with a snowflake eel also. I would wear some gloves because an eel will take a hunk out of your hand.


Originally Posted by yellowray91
ok thanks for all the help

As I asked before; What parasites do you think the eel has? If he hs been in a tank of yours then FW dipping is only a temporary solution. You will be adding him back into a tank full of parasites. Please explain what is going on.