Fresh water DISCUS


ok i just bought a discus yesterday and i was wondering what i could put in with him and anything i would need to know about discus
thanks in advance


Active Member
heh....congrats on getting one of the more beautiful and tricky freshwater fish to keep!
I don't think I can post links on here but I suggest that you google discus keeping and figure out when you've got to do to keep it alive, I know that they require different water conditions than the more common tropicals but if these conditions are met they will thrive. They prefer to be kept in groups of simmilarly-sized discus and you can also keep them with other small, quiet tankmates such as a school of rummy-nosed or cardinal tetras.
Good luck!


Active Member
Yes they do require different water conditions, and more frequent water changes. good luck.
And jon, I am pretty sure we have all bought a fish not knowing everything about it. It is called an impulse buy.


Active Member
discus shoudl be a ph of 7.
no quick moving fish should be with them.
neons, other small tetras, or even hatchetts are perfect tank mates.


well should i take him out then cuz i have him in with sun cats, bala sharks, irridescent sharks, clown loaches, angel fish, gouramis, and a needle nose gar but he seems to be doing good with all them no one bothers him or he doesnt bother anyone else and should i get another one???


Active Member
I think you'll find in the long run the discus will suffer with fast moving tank mates like you mentioned including being out competed for food. discus have really strict water quality needs as well as tend to be stressed out by overly bright lighting, ideal tank mates are things like the blue ram other mellow fish. they also do well with heavy plantings of tall plants and top cover plants to provide the illusion of cover and protection from predation.