fresh water on coral


I was getting a dead anenome out of tank and had abut 95% of Live rock in a cooler. While I was inside my son hit the Live rock with the water hose...Not a good thing I question is will the beneficial bacteria die immediatly???and no more anenome for me what a pain in the a.


Active Member
Yes you can put it right in. If the rock was already cycled than you should not get another big spike. Maybe a small one due to the moving around of the rock. A very small one that is. Fresh water in a quick dose will not hurt anything. As a matter of fact, the bacteria will not die even if totally submerged on fresh water. It is the same bacteria. If your hose has some serious metals coming out, I would rinse the rock with distilled or RO water just to rinse off any remaning hose water on the surface.
Good Luck

ed r

If the rock was only briefly (seconds to a minute or two) exposed to the hose, I would not worry about it. If it was sitting in freshwater for fifteen minutes, I would think it may need to cure again.