fresh water or saltwater??


Active Member
today i went to my local ***** and i always look through the saltwater fish section.
so i noticed some ghost shrimp in there tanks. i think they are, im not 100% sure but they LOOK JUST LIKE GHOST SHRIMP. are they ghost shrimp? and are they saltwater or fresh??


In my opinion--and I know many agree--you should never buy fish from *****. Some supplies for the aquarium are good to buy there, but the fish? Not so much.


New Member
As far as I can tell there are two different varieties of ghost shrimp for both salt and freshwater mainly because I have caught the saltwater type myself. That being said I've also been able to get freshwater ghost shrimp to acclimate to a saltwater enviromnent for a extended period of time.
BTW don't hate on ***** since the same can be said of any other megacorperation chain idk Walmart, Target, Petsmart. Ok,I'll admit were not perfect but I have saltwater fish at my store and I try damn hard to keep everyone happy and healthy, I also have the healthiest freshwater fish in the district considering the fish at every other ***** I've been to usually look like crap.


Active Member
Ghost shrimp are a very loose term... they cover fresh, brackish and saltwater varieties. They also cover a totally different shrimp all together. At pertco/petsmart they are freshwater, as previosly said, that may or may not accept a saltwater environment well even after a lengthy transition/acclimation.