Fresh water tanks?


Anybody here keep a tropical fresh water tank? If so what is or was your favorite type of fish? Mine would have to be my golden Dojo Loach. Most personality I have ever seen in a fish.

30-xtra high

Active Member
use to have a south american cichlid 55, my favorite was by far was my Red Terror, he would always come up to me when i walked by, survived countless diseases.., so he was hardy, friendly, and very nice looking.
at the moment the only freshwater fish i have is a walking catfish thats about 6 inchs living in a 12 gallon with my albino frogs, i caught him in a creek once catching salamanders.


Active Member
My son has a 10 gallon FW in his room. 2 white clouds, 2 orange platys, a dalmation molly, algae eater, cory cat, fancy guppy and 2 red eyed tetras, along with a ramshorn snail and a few ghost shrimp. I used to keep discus back in the day. Mostly turquoise and pigeon bloods.


I actually have 3 tanks 100 gallon semi aggresive with tnfoil barbs, irradescent sharks, silver dollars, and veil tail oscars, and a lone jack dempsey
another 29 gallon with angels and a 10 gallon brackish puffers tank along with many betas and a lone guppy in a 2 gallon tank.
I guess my favorite would be the veiltail oscars though.


I have two tanks. Started with just freshwater which I still have and one 8g nano saltwater. My Freshwater has African Cichlids. Easy fish to take care of but very aggressive towards each other. So the Fish store said move thing around in the tank when you see them get aggressive towards one another so they have to find new teretory. I just redid the aquascaping.
Moving into a bigger place so I cant wait to upgrade my saltwater to about 90g.

tx reef

Active Member
I have a 20 gallon long freshwater tank set up. The only occupant as of right now is a baby turtle. I am fixing to get a few Glofish from my LFS.
If you do not know what they are, just google "glofish" and you will find their website.....


my son has a ten (10) gallon tank with a goldfish he recieved at his cousin's fish themed birthday party on one side and a dwarf frog on the other. his fish is the only one still alive from the party that was over 1 and 1/2 years ago. my wife added a placo that my son seen at walmart about 7 months ago and i have no idea what we are going to do with him as he continues to get bigger?
We also have a large fish pond out side we enjoy. i have gold fish in there that have been reproducing for 10 years.


i have a 55 with a leporitis (spell) it has the yellow and black stripes A bala shark and a HUGE gourami , blind cave fish and few little guys. going for 5 years with no deaths

30-xtra high

Active Member
Originally Posted by MichaelTX
I actually have 3 tanks 100 gallon semi aggresive with tnfoil barbs, irradescent sharks, silver dollars, and veil tail oscars, and a lone jack dempsey
another 29 gallon with angels and a 10 gallon brackish puffers tank along with many betas and a lone guppy in a 2 gallon tank.
I guess my favorite would be the veiltail oscars though.
veil tail oscarS?, as in more than one?.. with a jack dempsey?, with some tinfoil barbs?,.. that tank will be so overcrowded when everything gets fullgrown.. oscars get easily over a foot, depseys to, and tinfoil barbs can pull 8-9 inches.. hope you plan to upgrade..


Active Member
Im thinking about getting a fresh water tank. Im going to put plants in it with discus. But right now im worrying about salties.


Active Member
Like many people, I first got into the hobby with freshwater fish, almost 30 years ago. I eventually worked my way up to New World cichlids, but got tired of them beating the crap out of each other. (I think it's funny when people complain about how mean damsels are; they've obviously never had cichlids.) I eventually switched over to saltwater and haven't looked back. Lately, I've been wanting to try freshwater again, mainly because I never had any African cichlids. One day...


Jack Dempsey.
I had one for 10 years. He died on my birthday last year
After that switched to salt. Still have two other freshy tanks though.

donna d

Have a 46g bowfront. My fav is Fancy "Goldfish". You know the Orandas, Fantails, Pearl scales,Telescope eye. Bubble eye,& Celestrel(spell)eyes. They are all sooooooooooooooo cute. I do also have some Fancy tail gypies & a few Angels, & a betta. Love em all.I think their beautiful (espesially when they get bout the size of a fist). Just did start up a salt tank.I find the fresh is much easier to keep up. .but always up fer a challenge!!!!!!!!!!!


Active Member
i used to have a 75 with angels, i loved them, ended up breeding a couple times to no avail, but it was still fun to watch the process, i have vids of it somewhere