Freshwater Critters For Sale - Indiana


Active Member
Ok well i got a few things here to sell.
Pond Snails - 15 cents each (will have tons soon)
MTS - 20 cents each (not very many atm)
Ramhorn Snails - 10 cents each (quite a few)
Black Trumpet Snails - 10 cents each (wild and/or captive bred, if you really want JUST captive bred then ask)
Baby Crawdads - $1 each (i usually get these whenever someone orders them, so no guarantees i will be able to get them as soon as you ask)
Medium Size Crawdad - $2 each (i usually get these whenever someone orders them, so no guarantees i will be able to get them as soon as you ask - they will be a couple inches long or so)
Big Crawdad - $4 each (these will be 5 inches or bigger, i never find any gigantic ones though)
Mudpuppy Babies - $2 each *there rare nowadays* (about an inch or smaller, pretty young, only a week or two old, I've raised some from eggs and there is hundreds more i can capture, cute pets, also good for ponds and such NOTE: Need to be able to reach land.)
Tadpoles *price depends on species* (I've not got any yet, only very few at one location i go to but i will be going to a good spot with tons soon hopefully, i usually can't 100% identify the species.)
Red Darters - $5 each *price is high cause there near impossible to catch* (i find these occasionally in a creek nearby, there extremely fast, ask me if you want one, i will try to get some next time I'm there but like i said, there FAST)
Guppies - 50 cents each *must buy 5 or more at a time - black tuxedos with yellow tail fins* (there sort of my own mix, there is around 40 or so I've got right now, some really young and some sorta young, there bodies are just Grey. I'm working on my own strain so any i send will be 'culls' that don't fit the look I'm working on. I need to get rid of some..badly)
Tadpoles: I usually have northern cricket frogs, bullfrogs, woodfrogs, and a few others sometimes show up that are found in southern Indiana. I rarely have treefrog tadpoles anymore but when i do i usually sell them for a lot more since there more rare, and well, there just darn cute. *prices will be given depending on species and also depends on how hard they are to find, which can vary every year*
PICTURES coming soon.