Freshwater feeder


New Member
Yep just got him. tiny little violitan. he's active but wont eat. only day 2. keep your fingers crossed.


long term feeding of fresh water fish will eventually cause liver disease in lions. also with the way goldfish and other feeders are kept with lots of fish shoved in a small tank you chance introducing disease into your tank. to try to get it to feed maby try live brine and if he takes to that slowly add frozen foods at the same time. this way it recognizes it at feeding time. this should help you switch over to prepared foods.


well 1st off get yourself one of those feeding sticks then u could put some krill or silver sliders on it wave it around the lion and he should began to eat. it's gonna take some time but it should work and when it does watch out BECAUSE LIKE MINE HE'D PROBABLY BE AN PIG