freshwater nitrate skyrocket help!


Active Member
i have a freshwater tank here are the levels
ammonia 0 ppm
nitrite 0.5 ppm
ph 7
nitrate 160+ ppm ( 160 is high as test kit goes, but color is darker that 160 mark on scale card)
that is a CRAZY nitrate level. it said in the book that an established tank should have betweek 20 and 40 ppm. is there a way to get it down asap. the fish all seem to be fine and eating well. did a 40% water change 3 days ago and a lot of waste stirred up. could that be for the spike?


Active Member
Originally Posted by ryanhayes9
yeah but shouldint it have gone down? and i cant get my shyphon to work. know how?
You can buy one of those siphon hose thing at walmart, but if you already have one, why can't you get it to work??? Just put the siphon side into your tank and suck on the other side to get it to siphon. :happyfish


Active Member
Ever siphon gasoline? the vac I used to have would start a siphon with a few good vertical shakes while in the water, it had a flapper check valve that started it. Just keep the gravel vacumed and perform regular water changes eventually it will go down. Keep the UG filter, just vacum your gravel as part of the water changes for the next 3 or 4 months if it dosent go down after 4 months remove the UG filter.


Yes, romove the UGF. Make sure the other end of the hose is below the vaccume end when you go to siphon it. And to answer the question about why I have a Survivor Avatar, is because I was on the show,..............LOL, no not really, but it really is my favorite show of all time. I can't wait until I'm old enough to try out for the show. (One more Year. )