Freshwater Tank Help!


I need some help with my brother's tank. He has a 90 gallon Frontosa Tank. For over the past week it has gotten really cloudy. The color has one from white to a neon green. His tank looks like its full of Midori (yum), although i am thinking its some sort of bacteria or algae bloom. ANyone know if this is normal or what to do?


If the tank temperature is fairly high, and it is receiving natural sunlight, this could be the problem. I would assume an algae breakout. Give us more details, and do a few good size water changes over the next few days.
Good filtration will also help remove some of green color, you may have to change the filter media fairly often.


I'll have to check on what tests he's done but i believe he said all the normal tests came back normal. The tank gets a small amount of normal sunlight, no more than my saltwater tank across the room. Temperature is at 80 degrees i believe. He has done a few water changes with no luck. Activated carbon hasnt helped either. i should be able to get some more info tonight. oh and tanks been up a couple of months.


I had a friend who had the same problem. No matter what he did it was cludy and bad algea. He was over feeding like a mofo. I showed him what was up and ITS ALL GUD now


if there was overfeeding wouldnt there be high ammonia? all his tests for trates, trites and ammonia came back negative. i was thinking too long lighting. he has the lights on from 8am to 10pm.