

Hey, I was wondering if there are freshwater forums as good as this sw one, or if there is anywhere here where i can post about freshwater. My boyfriend is the one who has a saltwater tank, I on the other hand have all freshwater.
Incase there are a few freshwater ppl here, my figure 8 puffer is missing an eye....I think. I have to feed him by hand because the other fish steal his food. Any ideas? I'm afraid that he is going to get attacked (again, i guess)


What are the other tankmates? If they are other puffers then it is very possible that his eye became a light snack. By the way, are you keeping the puffer(s) in freshwater because most puffers do best in brackish water?


Member Mods if this site is seen as competitive feel Free to delete it. It really Isnt a Sw site even though they have 1 extremely small category and i have linked people here tons of times.



Originally posted by Cathbad
What are the other tankmates? If they are other puffers then it is very possible that his eye became a light snack. By the way, are you keeping the puffer(s) in freshwater because most puffers do best in brackish water?

Brackish Puffers do best in Brackish water. There are lots of Fw puffers too.


His tanksmates are 2 albino african cichilids, 1 black molly, 1 pleco, and a few fruit tetras. He's in freshwater as of now, he is still extremely young, and since they are born in freshwater, then it's best to gradually put him into brackish, and then salt. Of course, I have no idea when it is time to. I checked out a lot of info on fig. 8s and half say they never need brackish/salt and the other half say they do. So ya, if you look it up on sites, you'll see that the fig. 8 is always debated on.
fishy411, thanks for the site.


I agree with it being the ciclids. They get real aggressive. That's why you usually keep them by themselves. They are pretty quick and the poor puffer is too slow to be with them.


the only Cichlid type of fish that can really be succesfully kept with a figure 8 puffer would be a parrot Cichlid becasue they are not as agressive and not really able to nip at other fish
Although the Parrot convict Cichlid can be as aggressive as africans
Another option is Dwarf Cichlids but they can also become quite large.
I have had all of these types of fish and have only had success with a figure 8 was the parrot cichlids


Parrot Cichlids are really Territorial and grow too big. Not nice at all. German Blue Rams would be perfect for your tank.



Originally posted by fishy411
Parrot Cichlids are really Territorial and grow too big. Not nice at all. German Blue Rams would be perfect for your tank.

Agreed, I have one that is over 7 inches long. I guess I should have asked about the size of the tank.
blue rams are nice as well.


My tank is 29 gallons.
I thought it was them. Pretty sad though, theyve been in the same tank for a few months.