Frickin!! Phosphates!!!

who dey

Active Member
hello everyone!!
My RO water reads 0 phos as it should and my tank reads .4mg/L. I have always used ro and i am having hair algae issues. I just recently upgraded from biowheels to a full sump system and coralife super skimmer (thank god) So what is causing my phos to increase if the water i put in the tank reads 0 phos. also if i keep changing my water til it reads 0 what keeps it from rising again? :thinking:


Originally Posted by WHO DEY
hello everyone!!
My RO water reads 0 phos as it should and my tank reads .4mg/L. I have always used ro and i am having hair algae issues. I just recently upgraded from biowheels to a full sump system and coralife super skimmer (thank god) So what is causing my phos to increase if the water i put in the tank reads 0 phos. also if i keep changing my water til it reads 0 what keeps it from rising again? :thinking:
You can cut back on feeding, and do 20% water changes weekly,RO/DI


Active Member
they sell phosphate reactor for ~35 bucks for use with media.
Best solution is a fuge, macralgae should eat that stuff up!

Phos is usually from the foods