friday puzzle


Active Member
There are five houses in five different colours.
In each house lives a person of a different nationality.
These five owners drink a certain beverage, smoke a certain brand of
cigarette and keep a certain pet.
No owners have the same pet, smoke the same brand of smoke or drink
the same drink.
The Brit lives in the red house.
The Swede keeps dogs as pets.
The Dane drinks tea.
The green house is on the left of the white house.
The green house owner drinks coffee.
The person who smokes Pall Mall rears birds.
The owner of the yellow house smokes Dunhill.
The man living in the house right in the center drinks milk.
The Norwegian lives in the first house.
The man who smokes Blend lives next to the one who keeps cats.
The man who keeps horses lives next to the man who smokes Dunhill.
The owner who smokes Blue Master drinks beer.
The German smokes Prince.
The Norwegian lives next to the blue house.
The man who smokes Blend has a neighbour who drinks water.
The question is: WHO OWNS FISH?
since we have a winner, & if you dont want to see the answer and figure the puzzle out on your own, dont read any further!


Active Member

Originally posted by MarksMagic
is there enough info.....something doesnt match up

do colors, drinks, smokes, etc. give clues about what goes with what?
or is it all random?

yep, if i can do it anyone can. it was supposidly written by eienstein
oops, no its not "random"
if you dont get it, i will give a hint to figure it out


Active Member

Originally posted by Tizzo
No, No wait... Give us some time...

dont worry, i'm gonna give it a couple of days if necessary :yes:


Active Member

Originally posted by killafins
do i say it if i figured it out?

lets give it a bit and see how many get it.
let mark go nuts for a while :D


Active Member
ten minutes, not even... i'm just double checking my answer while watching maury with a bunch of he(she)'s... it's just about the diagram. Use two... one for what was given to u and one for what u put together urself and then use them both to fill in the blanks