Friend buying biocube?


My friend has decided he really wants a biocube. I gonna help him out with it and help him set it up and stuff. My question or his question is does he need any other equitment then the biocube itself? Also is it worth the price? Good buy or should he get a nanocube?


Active Member
I would say either of the two is a good investment. I have a nano but the biocube will be just as effective.


well He really dosent want to have to buy more equitment then what comes with the tank so Im thinking biocube because it has everything he would need except rock sand etc.
He plans on the 14 biocube so far this is what he wants to keep
1 yellow clown goby
1 black clown goby
easy to keep softies and lps.
cleaner shrimp
He has no prior expirence to the hobby and not much room so a biocube would be the best choice right or is the nano cheaper in the long run and what would I need to upgrade on a nano?

coral keeper

Active Member
You should also get a heater, and if you want, do a few mods on the bio cube. Like remove the bio balls and make a refuge/sump, out of the second chamber and scratch off the back paint and put a light to grow chaeto algae and put some live rock in the first chamber instead of the filter cartrege, but thats pretty much it.


Active Member
i assume thats the biocube 14 and not the 29? you might have him want to upgrade to the MJ900 pump and replace the stock pump, and as the previous poster mentioned, scrape the paint off the the back middle chamber to add a light and also remove the bioballs and replace with lr rubble
also, you can remove the sponge where the pump is and put something else there like carbon or phospan.