Friend or foe?


New Member
I was looking at my tank and saw some "new" creatures that I cannot ID. Please help.
These things are very, very tiny, white and almost furry looking. They look like featherdusters in a way. They have a barnacle or coccon shape at the bottom and some have stiff bristles or hairs sticking out of them. They are attached to my LR. It may be nothing, but I wanted to check before I had a major pest problem.
I doesn't seem like aiptasia since it doesn't have "flowing" tentacles. :help:
Here is a picture I found in google. Is this a Q-tip sponge?


Active Member
I'm not sure about the ID but if it was a sponge, I'm sure it would be dead by now with all the air bubbles on it.


Active Member
I get the exact same things, but only once in a while. They usually are stuck to my prefilter sponge of the PH for the skimmer.
What are they? I'd like to know too.


New Member
So, I guess I have nothing to worry about then. I tried to do some research on them, but I couldn't find anything through google. ANyone know of any websites that I might try? or books?