frog fish


i am just thinking about in the future if i wanted to get a 30 gallon with a nice sump and turn it into a frog fish tank,,,,would that be ok??


Originally Posted by BIG-FISH
i am just thinking about in the future if i wanted to get a 30 gallon with a nice sump and turn it into a frog fish tank,,,,would that be ok??
You certainly could. Be sure to read up on frogfish and their needs first though.


Originally Posted by BIG-FISH
ok,,thanks,,has anybody ever done this before
AW2 knows lots about frogfish.


try to Private Message him. You might have a better chance of talking with him that way. Also make sure to search frog fish on this site via the search button. Skim through the threads. There are quite a few.


thanks,,,i sent him a message,hopfully he will respawn back,,, i searched and found alot info on them,,,, i am so close to getting one,,,,but i have to wait a couple of months, because my uncle is giving me some cool corals,,,so i have to wait,,but i am still learning about them


Active Member
I know I'm not the person you expect a reply from, but I'm keeping an Antennarius Multiocellatus in a 30 gallon. Seems like a 75 is recommended for everything bigger than A. Maculatus. or Histrio Histrio. I would say that the Warty's are in my opinion the most attractive of the Frogfish family though. Only downside is the price tag.
I read a lot of discouraging articles before I tried keeping mine. When I found her she looked great, passed her up. Bought her a few days later, and when I got home found she was missing an eye, and had an ulcer on her bottom lip. Supposedly they get sores from swimming against the bag during shipping, but she was housed with a Yellowhead Moray so I don't doubt that she got munched on.
I fed her live Mollies for about a week. Then I froze one, stuck it on a skewer, and she ate it. She's been eating Silversides off the skewer ever since.
If you get one, you should probably try to get it from a source that provides a decent guarantee so it doesn't get acclimated and die a few days later. From what I've read, this tends to be a common thing, and these fish are never cheap, unless you get Histrio Histrio
so do your homework!
Just my 2 cents.


Active Member
About the only species you'd need bigger than a 30gal for would be a Commersons, as they'll reach lengths of 12" - 14".
Everything else will stay relatively small (6" or less).
This is what I replied, when BIG-FISH Pmed me...just short and to the point.
Species only tank - at least 20gal. Must be kept alone, as they will even eat fish bigger than themselves.
Over sized filtration (protein skimmer, sump/refugium) is a must.
They're hard to get to eat frozen food, requiring more expense to continuously buy live foods.
Very high mortality rate to even low nitrates and ammonia.
Very poor, in shipping. Find them at a local fish store, if possible.


Active Member
I thought Painted Frogfish Antennarius Pictus got almost as large as Commersons. I'll have to check Fishbase.


Active Member
No bubbles have been burst.
I was wrong...there's a first time for everything.

I actually had no idea Pictus got that large. I owned one, at one time but it only reached aprox. 5" before it died.