Frog Fish??

does anyone have any frog fish??? ifso could i see some pics. iam thinking of setting up another tank. i have always wanted one. i have seen a couple nanos set up a the LFS with some frog fish. what do you think is the smallest tank for a frog fish.
any advice from anyone with experiance would be great..
thanks josh.


they dont really move around alot but at the same time they do need a large enough tank to keep water quailty up.
as far as what size it really depends on the species of frogfish that you are looking at some get much larger than others. there is also a problem with tank mates unless you only want the frogfish because they have a large mouth and will eat anything that will fit in their mouth.
If they are the only fish in the tank the tank is kinda dull with little to no movement in there because they are ambush preditors.
is there any particular species that you are looking at getting?
iam looking for a small one. the LFS has one its all black with bright orange dotts all over its body. the owner said it stays small about the size of a golf ball...?? they keep him in a nano with corals. seems to do fine.
i would keep him buy him self in the tank (hopefully a nano). i would want to do something like a 29 gal. with corals.
or something like that. just tring to get some info before jumping right in. i still have not bought the tank yet. so i still have to buy the tank and let it cycle, so i still got a month or two before making my choice.


just take your time. a 29 gallon would be a good choice for one of these guys.
have you ever had a SW tank setup before? sorry have to ask LOL
yeah , currently i have a 55. 1 and half years old. iam actually going to frag most of my corals for my nano. kind of a low budget nano. (kind of