frog spawn loosing its heads?


ive had a branching frogspawn in the tank for 2 months now. he eats shrimp and flake that lands on him. opens fully under lights and retracts at night. he droped 1 head last week and 2 more are slowly disconnecting. water parimeters are good. established over a year. all other corals are thriving. something im doing wrong? is this a way of reproducing? any help is appreciated. thanks


the actual head of the frogspawn falls off the base and on to the sand. then blown away in the current and never seen again.


I've asked the same question awhile back, not sure what's going on. I was told that they will do that if they are not happy with what's going on, with water, lighting,etc. I had a head fall off and is now still alive in the sand, that's almost one month now, another head fell off and totally disappeared, I know I didn't really help you, but just letting you know it has happened to me.


mine fell off too. frogspawn and a hammer! i have metal halide lighting and water is good. the calcium is off the charts but i think its because of old test kit. i dont think anything can live with 750ppm calcium level. lol i need to get a new one.


Active Member
This is called "polyp bailout" and it's believed to be another form of reproduction since the head still remains alive. So far I've only heard this happening to frogspawn and pocilloporas, and now also hammers.


Active Member
Could be a reprodutive thing but I think its more of a trying to survive thing.
For whatever reasons like bad lighting, shadeing from upper polyps, stinging from other corals, flow, bothered by whatever where it is and because its sessile it has no choice but to bail out and hope the currents will carry it to a better place where it can attach and live.


Don't elegance corals do the same thing?? I kinda thought it was more of an "all at once" RTN. That's just what I thought, I never read that anywhere or anything...