Frogfish Questions


Active Member
Before i start studying and getting my hopes up i have a few questions.
I have checked online but all i see is ones that need 30-70 gallons. is there any that only need like 10-20 gallons?
What would be your best guess on a price range of that type of frogfish?
I just don't want to get my hopes up and go study and THEN find out they need 30+ tanks and cost 200 bucks..


Active Member
I'm sure you'll get different opinions on this, but here's mine. Frogfish are inactive fish that don't need much room, so 10-20 gallons of space should be enough for a small frogfish - like the wartskin frogs. However, it might not be enough water to buffer the waste - they are messy eaters. I would recommend having a large sump attached to add water to the whole system or another form of effective filtration.


Active Member
sumps always confused me (getting the right amount of water to run in and out). what if i had like two 15 gallon HOB filters? and scooped out what waste i could?


Active Member
the lfs has a black frog fish in a nano about the same size as mine . So I would guess they are ok in small tanks . I myself have never kept one so I don't really know .