Frogs Spawn problem


New Member
I purchased a frogs spawn coral 2 days ago. It closed completely up and will not open. My PH is 8.2, Salinity level 1.023, Ammonia 0, nitrites 0, Nitrates -10.
Any help would greatly be appreciated


i believe your sg may be a little low and your nitrates are a little high. I think they need the nitrates near 0. Also, how did you acclimate? it could still just be getting adjusted? whats the lighting and what flow is it in?


I am having the same problem. My ph is 8.2 salinaty .025 no2 0 amon. 0 no3 is .25 but working on lowering it. It was open the first 3 days now totaly closed. it is under 400 watt halides and 440 watt supper attinic vho with moderate flow. Any ideas?


Try moving this post to the reef tanks. IMO more people will see it so you could get a few more responses.
What type of lights do you have on your tank? How'd you aclimate it?


May be too much light. I have T-5's and I found mine did best near the bottom in a corner with a light water flow. Also, spot feeding with zoo makes it really shine!


Make sure it is getting low/moderate flow.. my frogspawn gets moderate flow. I also have a high water turn over rate because I am running an XP2 filstar filter that has 300gph and I have a powerhead that is at 297gph and another maxijet 1200 pump for the nano filter at 297gph.
I noticed that with good flowrate and if the water quality is high, the frogspawn will open up really well and it fills up its branches with water so big that they double the size of my thumb ! Hope this helps.
By the way My tank size is a 24gal nano.