New Member
Hey, I've never done this before, but I thought maybe someone out there might know the answer to my problem. I have a 29 gallon biocube stocked with lots of live rock and sand. There are two 18 watt power compacts, one acitinic and one 10000k. The tank has been running for two years now, and the fish and soft corals are doing great. I have a candy cane and a small bubble that are also doing well. My problem is I badly want to keep frogspawn coral, but every time I buy a piece it seems to do well until the head seperates from the skeleton and drifts off, and then dies. My levels are all within normal ranges, the salinity is at 1.024, and the temp never goes above 79 or below 78. I have asked pet store owners but around upstate ny they are clueless. Any ideas? thanks