Frogspawn closed for 3 days


Hi - I've have a nice two-branch frogspawn for about 1 year and it's been growing and doing very well. Been in the same spot, no additions of coral or fish for many months. I ran all tests yesterday, everything normal. Spec. gravitiy a bit high, perhaps, around 1.028. What could be causing it to stay closed? This happened once before while I was away and the lighting timer didn't work, so the lights stayed on for 3 days. Once the lights were back on track, it opened up again. Lights are fine this time, so I'm at a loss. Hope the attached picture helps.
Any insights appreciated! Thanks!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
check you water flow somtimes If you had a power head supplying flow to it and it needs to be cleaned or is not working the lack of flow will cause them to remain closed. I have had mime stay closed for a few days for no reason. It may be some internal cycling of the coral


I will check the powerheads - one of them did fall from where it was stuck, so maybe I didn't reposition it just right. But from the picture, does it look like a "normal" close-up? Thanks - I love this coral and would hate to lose it!

florida joe

Well-Known Member
I am sure one of the coral experts will advise you but IMO if you have what I call little buds still showing It can recover


should I have posted this on a different board? COuld someone move it for me? I'd love a bit more input. Thanks!


Active Member
i had one of my heads on my hammer corals recede into the stem to the point that the skeleton was showing.
all of this was out of the blue. it did this (only 1 head out of the 2) for 2 days, then blew up bigger than before.
maybe its having its time of the month or something.