Frogspawn Coral would it Die?????


I was talking to a local reefer and he said he would sell me a good size frogspawn coral for $20.(Good deal i think) I have two 54watt T-5HO's with individual reflectors on a 48gal tank 48"Lx12"Wx18H. I was wondering if it would be able to live under these lights?? I have had people tell me that they need low to high lighting so i don't know what to believe.
Also do they need any special care from what i have read thay need a decent amount of room around them so they don't sting any other corals is this ture?????
If you can't tell i have no with experience with LPS corals.

any help would be great???


I have had a Hammer Coral, which is basically the same, and they don't need that strong of lighting, mine was fine under my 96 watt. But if they are too close to a coral they will try to sting it.


Active Member
yeah it will live under those lights. My frogspawn lived for almost 3 weeks without any type of lighting and is doing great